Not sure if you saw my social media posts early last week but I am still laughing inside about my venture to Giggleberry Mountain. Right as last week’s Newsletter was being delivered to your inbox, I was spontaneously taking a day off to have fun with my family.
Day off? Yes.
My Sundays are regularly scheduled as family days but I had a lot of unexpected distractions the week before. In order for me to re-focus and get a jump start on this past week I had asked Ryan to have a Daddy/Daughters day. Anyway, long story short…I woke up on Sunday and said in my mind “Work is going to have to wait because today I really want to be with Ryan & the Girls”.
I am going to be completely honest here. Our family spends A LOT of time together. I think A LOT more than the average family. Have I emphasized A LOT. Because we do. And there are days I am so thankful for it but there are also days I want to ring everyone’s neck.
So when my gut said DON’T WORK, BE WITH THEM, I had to listen. Even stranger, I couldn’t get out of my head that we were supposed to go to Giggleberry Mountain.
A little back story. Sierra asks every weekend if we can go to GM and specifically requests me to go in with her.
If you don’t know, Giggleberry Mountain is a made-for-kids, 6-tiered obstacle course built within 3 floors. As a parent and adult sized human being this means crouching down and army crawling your way through pint-sized doorways, scaling rope ladders made for little hands & feet, bobbing & weaving through obstacles, and much more.
Plus, being shot at by the Berry Blasters. Don’t worry. They only shoot nerf-like berry colored tennis-sized balls that don’t hurt except when you get pegged in the face. And you DO get pegged in the face.
We have been there before. A few times, in fact. And every time I am like “Nope, Mama is not going in there, sorry kiddo.” As a fitness professional one would probably think this would be right up my alley, but in the past you couldn’t have gotten me in there for a million dollars.
Well maybe a million but nothing less.
So, I thought, why am I craving time with my family at Giggleberry Mountain and envisioning myself actually going inside this place I have recently considered a parent’s nightmare.
I decide to forgo my past ideas of what my experience would be like inside, got properly dressed in spandex, put my hair up in a pony and said “Let’s get out of here” to my hubs and girls.
Last week I talked about the importance of getting uncomfortable at times to be the most comfortable in your skin. The irony was when you were reading that Newsletter, I was in the thick of uncomfortable. After an hour of dodging swinging punching bags in a full bent over position, being tackled by Sierra at any given moment, helping Nora up, down and every which way possible through this maze and trying to keep up, yes, keep up with my 6 year old darting around at lightning speed, I was sweating bullets and after catching a glimpse of myself in the fun-house like mirrors, I looked like Medusa. But…I was also laughing my buns off and smiling from ear to ear.
We had a GREAT DAY!!!
I was originally going to write to you this week about how to stay healthy and fit during your long Thanksgiving weekend but I decided to scrap it because I thought talking about being spontaneous and listening to your gut was more important for today.
I’m not saying I want you to scrap working out or making healthy choices during the next 7 days. But the reality is, this is a time to celebrate. And although continuing to move & CONSCIOUSLY indulging (ha, you like that one don’t you) is a really good idea. So is having FUN and being joyous.
Next week I’ll give you 3 ways to keep moving and feel happy in your body during the holiday season. But until then, enjoy being where you are, who you are with and secretly take short snippets of time for yourself to smile at the present moments in life.
P.S. I usually like to share colorful FUN pictures but I left my phone in my jacket pocket, on purpose, when we went into Giggleberry Mountain. And you know felt good!
But next week I'm sure I'll be back to my old self or maybe I should say new & improved self ;)
What's Happening This Week
7-Day #ThankYourBody FC:
Starts TOMORROW. Thanksgiving Week is one of the hardest weeks to keep moving a priority. Since we had so much FUN doing the #feelgoodfitness Challenge I decided to be spontaneous again & run one more Fitness Challenge for 2017. If you missed the last Challenge but want in on this 7-Days of determination, focus & FUN! Click HERE. And say thank you to your body starting at midnight tonight!
(note: Members & #feelgoodfitness Challengees you are already automatically signed-up, details in your inbox as we speak)
New JBird Fitness Video Release:
The goal of Aligned Back & Abs is to give you a strong center. Time is tight with the holidays around the corner is no excuse. This workout is only 13:37 minutes in length but really packs a punch and gets the job done.
Members Click HERE to go directly to the workout.
Non-Members Click HERE for a FREE trial. This workout, plus 65 more can be found in the video library.
NEW Transform Class:
This is how excited I am to be teaching my signature class once again. If you live in the Bucks County area you MUST come! Transform is where barre-free dance conditioning meets cardio dance, to transform your body and get you in a feel good fitness vibe. Be prepared to work your whole body, sweat and have FUN!
Where: Central Bucks Family YMCA, Doylestown, PA
When: Mondays (for a limited time, so get your butt to class ASAP)
Time: 9:35am