What's Your Happy Place?

I love sitting by the edge of the ocean. 

The ebb & flow of the water.

The reminder of how immense our world really is.

Low tide and high tide, dictated by the moon. 

The sound of the waves coming ashore and the calm of the ocean breeze.

It takes some responsibility off my shoulders.

It puts life into perspective.

It helps me hear my thoughts, memories and dreams clearly.

The Ocean

When I was a little girl I remember going to dance classes in the basement of my dance teacher’s house. The space wasn’t very big. It had one long wall of mirrors with a barre attached, a freestanding barre we could pull out to the center of the room when ballet class had over 10 girls, we used the laundry room to change from our school clothes into our leotards & tights and a small outcove with wooden benches was the spot to put on our dance shoes.


It wasn’t very big but it was a place where we came to be ourselves and dance our hearts out.


Our little happy place.


As I have gotten older my happy place has changed locations but the feeling I get when moving my body has remained the same. There have certainly been hurdles and changes over the years but when I am able to tap into the little girl that fell in love with movement so many moons ago, the smile is as genuine as it comes.


As we head into the Fall season remember this is a time of change yet introspection. This is a wonderful time of the year to recognize the things that make you happy, get rid of the things that you no longer need or want and embrace the new days to come with clarity.

Total Body Barre Fitness

The focus for JBird Fitness this month is Self-Awareness and the workout videos have a barre influence.
Why, you ask? 

  1. The barre format incorporates strength, mobility & flexibility training, allowing you to find a natural flow to your movement patterns.
  2. Barre workouts have a way of not only activating the large muscles in your body but also fine-tuning the small muscles as well. 
  3. The high repetition style gives you ample time to practice the exercises and go deeper into the movements if you feel ready.
  4. There is an emphasis on staying in touch with your posture and engaging the core.
  5. JBird style barre workouts take all the principles stated above and fuses them with athletic, dance and yoga moves to make it more FUN and remind you of the playful times in life when movement meant freedom.

Let the month of September be about tapping into your happy place. 


Let us know what & where your happy place is and how you plan on getting there, in the comment section below.

Be YOU! Embrace the changes ahead…create your happy place.


High Lunge Yoga

This week's JBird Fitness workout video release is:
"Barre Express: Total Body"

It is a full body routine that will look like you are in a ballet class but no barre or prior dance experience is required. Find the strength of your inner dancer and the endurance of your inner athlete, all wrapped up into a quick 15 minute workout.

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