Love Your Body. How? The Secret's Below...


I started my fitness career in group fitness because...


  1. I loved how exercise made me feel.

  2. It made me happy to see other people smiling after an amazing workout.

  3. I felt connected to & supported by the other people in class.


I soon found myself teaching 25+ classes a week to satisfy my craving for group fitness.


That was in my single days, when I had more time just for myself.


Even though it’s not as often, I feel like lucky to still have the opportunity to teach. And I do take time to go to the gym and take other instructor’s classes.


But it’s not always on my terms.


Life’s responsibilities have changed in the last 10 years and I’ve had to get creative with my needs & wants in my fitness routine.


Sure, I’ve got a ton of tools in my back pocket to workout on my own but that “thing” I miss from being with other people keeps knocking on my door.


“Hello, anyone else out there feel the same way?”


“Yes, I’m talking to you”


Do you miss being a part of something? Knowing other people are feeling the same? Want to reconnect to your body and also be inspired by the energy of others, but don’t always have time to get to the gym?


Good because I know a place you can go without even having to leave your house or compromise your priorities.


As I said, one of the top 3 reasons I got into teaching fitness was how happy it made me to connect to other people.


As JBird Fitness continues to evolve, I am starting to realize how important it is for all of us to have a “door” to walk through, a place to chat before or after we exercise and to spread the positive energy we are creating.


So I am inviting you to be a part of the JBird Fitness Community Group.


It’s a closed Facebook group, created to inspire you to keep moving and feel a positive connection to your body.


The cliche, "we are stronger in numbers", is a cliche for a reason.


When you have a community of people around you, supporting you, cheering you on, you are more likely to keep going, making sure fitness & moving your body is a priority.


In the past I have found myself aimlessly scrolling through social media, smiling at pics & messages friends have posted but also getting distracted by negative vibes too. I am making it my mission in the next few months to not only fill my newsfeeds with more positivity, but yours as well.


A couple of weeks ago I stated “change, positive change, takes time to be nurtured”.


The best way to make positive change in your life is to surround yourself with positive people.


Join us!

Click the image above and start surround yourself with people who only want the best for you and will keep you on track with your fitness goals. Including me!


If you are already a member of the JBird Fitness Community Group, thank you. Thank you for putting yourself out there, giving it your all even on the days you didn’t think you could and continuing to support, encourage & share your experiences on JBird.


I am grateful. I am proud. I am forever inspired. 

With Love,