A Mother's Day Letter

This newsletter is a special note to all of my fellow mothers out there. If you are not one, you have one and certainly are surrounded by mothers every day. I'd love for you to stay and read too, as I assure you the moms of the world would appreciate it.

It’s Mother’s Day!

And holy crap olla, does this day stir up a boat load of emotions.

First, I lost my mom over 9 years ago and I miss her dearly. But even though I wish she was still with us, I am so thankful for the years we did have & feel like I am a better mama because of her love. 

So GRATEFUL starts the list.

Hummm....What else am I feeling? 

HAPPY. Thinking of all those moments, when my kids have no clue I am watching them, and knowing it brings a smile to my face every time.

PROUD. It's amazing how, as a mom, you start or restart to appreciate the smallest of accomplishments through your kids.

SILLY. Who ever thought I would crawl on the ground and growl at my daughters to make them laugh or speak in 3 different voices to read a bedtime story or paint all of our toe nails in the colors of the rainbow so we'd be "twinses".

I sure didn't!

These are the FUN emotionsBut it's not always fun and games. There is also the worry when they are not with me, the frustration when they don't listen to me and the exhaustion at the end of each day.

Funny, I was listening to the radio the other morning and the DJ asked a few sleep deprived moms, "what is the craziest thing that's happened to you, from not getting enough sleep as a mom?".

One mother said, "One morning I woke up in a fog, quickly got the kids dressed, made their lunches, packed & rechecked their school bags, hurried everyone into the car, got behind the wheel, put the car in reverse and then looked down to realize...I forgot to put on my pants" LOL

After listening to her story I thought...what is the craziest thing that has happened to me?

I'm not afraid to share, but shake my head every time I tell the story, about the one day I lost my phone.

Sierra was still an infant and we had recently moved into a new house in NJ.

I was juggling working in NYC, being a new mom and now taking care of a house rather than an itty bitty apartment. Needless to say, being tired was par for the course. 

So I was proud of myself one evening when I had gotten my to-do list done, fed the baby, and was now preparing a lovely meal for Ryan & I.

Right before I was about to take our dinner out of the oven, Ryan walked in from a long day of work and said ,"Is everything ok? I've been trying to call you."

I then said, "Sorry. I've been so busy I haven't even looked at my phone. In fact, I don't even know where my phone is."

So Ryan called it.

We heard it faintly ringing and started running around the house, tossing pillows and searching bags but we couldn't find it, until...

we both meet up in the kitchen. 

He dialed again.

Our ears got closer to the sound.

Now both of our ears were up against the frig.

"Are you kidding ME?" he says.

Yep, folks, my phone was on the top shelves sitting right next to the ketchup.



Yes, our brain feels like mush some days and it makes us do the wackiest things. We are expected to know everything for everyone, yet walk into a room and can't remember why we even came up the stairs in the first place. And our plate is always full.

So after a day of celebrating motherhood, you may find your feet sore from hosting for the day or your mind already racing to care for your family's week ahead.

Being tired comes with the territory but your efforts do not go unnoticed. Every other mother out there knows exactly how much time, energy & love it takes to be a great mother.

I see you.

I see all that you give.

And I appreciate you.

Tomorrow is another day and you are bound to feel the intensity of motherhood knocking on your door at one moment or another. 

When it does...remember, YOU ARE STRONG & BEAUTIFUL!

And the rest will fall into place.


JBird Fitness Family