Mind Your Workout


I used to think being mindful was sitting cross legged, hands on thighs, eyes closed and chatting “Ommm buckaloom chuck chuck”

Then I signed up for my 200 hour yoga training. And well...it was just that.

It was that & oh so much more.

By now you probably know I’ve been doing the fitness for a long time. But you may not know I was introduced to yoga..."HOLY CRAP, I just realized it was 15 years ago!” 


No wonder it plays such a big part in what I do.



I got a little side tracked.


So yes, I’ve been doing the fitness thing for an eternity & then “found yoga”. Whatever that means, right?


I mean I would love to say it took me to some magical, god-like place that has given me peace ever since, but the reality is it didn’t.


At times, yes. But the experience mostly made me realize how connected our thoughts are to our body. And being that we are really cool intricate beings, the depth of movement we are actual able to create in fascinating.


But here’s the catch. You’ve got to stop thinking so one dimensional and start getting creative with your thoughts while you are moving.


Here comes #2 in our Follow-Through Method series: 

BE MINDFUL and thought provoking.


If you missed the intro to this conversation click here or #1 click here. But don’t worry. There’s no specific order to these methods, just getting up and playing around with them does the trick..

  • Change your inner vocabulary. Such as, mindfully think “sit deep, stand tall” rather than "squat down & up". Let me say it again "sit deep, stand tall"

  • Some say it's just semantics but I say it's everything. The more directive cues & messages your brain gives your body the better.

  • Think of your body as a machine and your mind as the operator. No one wants a machine to go rogue. Come on...haven't you seen "I Robot" with Will Smith?!? Not a good scene.

  • YOU need to be in charge! And the more descriptive your directions to your muscles, the better they will perform.

Now being in group fitness, I have found different students connect to different phrases and directions. So you've got to play around with this one in your own little crazy mind. But here are two very specific things you can do to get the ball rolling.


1. If you're a creative type, use your imagination. Visualize yourself flying through the air, like a bird, when you're doing a one-legged deadlift/practicing Warrior 3. Or when you're doing side lying leg circles, envision the size of the ball you want to trace. Is it a golf ball or a basketball?

Your muscles will respond with a sense of purpose & deeper connection to the action you are doing.

2. If you tend to be a more practical thinker, tack on an adjective to everything you do. Like I said above, "stand TALL" or when you're doing the leg circles (above), think "SMOOTH circles". Words such as long, energetic, fluid, flowing, strong, precise, rhythmic, etc..help accentuate the movement, giving it that extra edge to take your workout to a new level.

There's no exact science to the Follow-Through Method but it undoubtedly changes your experience & effectiveness of your workout for the positive.

So ENJOY it and take your workouts to a new & FUN place simple by engaging your mind with your body.

With Love,

What's Happening with JBird Fitness:

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Featured Workout of the Week
Wake Up Call: Standing Legs
Concentrating on the lower body in this workout and all you need is a high back chair or countertop nearby. 

Members: click HERE to go directly to the video library.
Not a member yet? Click HERE for more information on joining JBirdFitness.com

Dragonfly Yoga Studio Barre Yoga Doylestown

NEW Class Starting in April

Starting TOMORROW, I will be teaching a Barre Yoga Fusion class every week, from 1:00pm-2:00pm at this AMAZING studio in the heart of Doylestown.

Dragonfly Yoga Studio
156 Green Street Doylestown PA

YMCA of Bucks County Doylestown

Class Schedule This Week:

YMCA of Bucks County - Doylestown

Barre Fusion
Monday         10:00am-10:55am
Wednesday   11:00am-11:55am
Saturday           8:45am-9:30am

Saturday         9:40am-10:20am
Dragonfly Yoga Studio

Barre Yoga
Monday            1:00pm-2:00pm