Action Action I Want ACTION! Give me an M-O-V-E Move it Baby, Move It!
I apologize. My inner cheerleader 📣 has taken over again. I can't stop myself from rooting you on & encouraging you to get up and move your body.
Perfect timing too. Last week was all talk, guiding you to keep "intention" in your mind. But here comes the best part...MOVING with intention!!!
If you missed last week's newsletter, click HERE to read "Take Your Fitness Plan To The Next Level". Otherwise, let's get moving.
Moving and putting the Follow-Through Method into Action!
Below, are...
3 Ways To Follow-Through with Intention:
BE FOCUSED on every little move you make.
BE MINDFUL and thought provoking.
BE THOROUGH, starting smoothly & finishing with finesse.
Now, I haven’t had much sleep the past few days. My poor little baby, Nora (who’s technically NOT a baby anymore at 4 yrs old, but will ALWAYS be my baby) has been up in the middle of the night with the dreaded croup. And once I've been woken up, whether it’s 7am or 2am, I’m up. Layer in a worried mama and we are officially sleep deprived.
But I know I'm not alone, knowing we all have "those" weeks and even during the weeks that go smoothly, too much information means brain overload.
So I think it's fitting to simply focus on "BE FOCUSED..."
Whatdaya say?
Then we can get to the others, once we've mastered #1.
(me waiting for an nodding in agreement 😁)
GREAT! Let's get started.
Nothing worse than feeling like you're just going through the motions.
But no one says you need to do a complete overhaul of your workout either.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for switching things up but it doesn’t have to be as dramatic as shredding your workout journal and having to start from scratch.
IT IS as simple as spicing it up with tempo changes and throwing a “hold” in there every once in a while.
If you're group fitness lover (which you know I am!) make sure your instructor is switching things up every now & then, like below.
If you're the independent type, who's reply is “Nah, I usually workout out on my own”....
Here are a few ideas how you can turn those workout blues into workout WaHoos!!!
Periodically slow down and/or change the speed of how you're doing an exercise.
Never go super fast, so you loose form, but instead create meaningful tempo changes to keep the muscles on their toes, recruiting even the littlest guys to be a part of the action.
For example: start a stationary lunge going down 1, up 1. Then change it to slowly down for 3 counts, up on 1. And if you're really livin' on the edge, reverse it to down 1, up 3. (don't worry, this is as wild & crazy as my life gets too 😜)
Lastly, every so often stop. Yeah, you heard me. Stop & hold your position strong. Keep breathing but everything else should be in full on freeze tag mode. Count for 10-30 seconds and then get back in the rhythm or catch your breath before moving on to your next challenge.
The options are endless and it will keep you focused, giving those mundane exercises, you've been doing forever, a face-lift.
The GREAT thing about the "FOCUS" follow-through principle is it will help ramp up your efficiency, bringing you better results in faster time. And bonus, ALL 3 PRINCIPLES do this & they will also help increase muscle recruitment and give you a renewed sense of self.
Like I said, we’ll get to the other 2 principles in the weeks ahead.
So for now...
Simply commit to being focused on every little move you make.
See how it changes your perspective for the positive and start moving toward a more engaged workout and most importantly…a more engaged LIFE!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Feel free to email me at or even better yet, post your questions on the JBird Fitness Community Page by clicking HERE. Because no question is EVER silly and most of the time someone else is thinking the same exact thing.
Have FUN focusing and I’ll see you in your inbox again next week :)
P.S. When you're doing a workout video, take note of exercises I have chosen and also note from workout to workout how different they feel. Use the video library as a guide to apply the method above and going forward. It will make a BIG difference in your engagement & your energy.
P.P.S. The doc says Nora should be feeling much better starting tomorrow. YEAH! So that means mama will have a good night's rest for tomorrow's class at the Y. Get ready Doylestown!
What's Happening with JBird Fitness:
Featured Workout of the Week
Wake Up Call: Warm Up & Abs
Don't let the name fool you. In just 10 minutes you will feel every part of your body working and it will wake you up in the most positive way ever.
Members: click HERE to go directly to the video library.
Not a member yet? Click HERE for more information on joining
NEW Class Starting in April
Starting Monday, April 8th, I will be teaching a Barre Yoga Fusion class every week, from 1:00pm-2:00pm at this AMAZING studio in the heart of Doylestown.
Dragonfly Yoga Studio, 156 Green Street Doylestown PA
Class Schedule This Week:
Barre Fusion
Mondays 10:00am-10:55am
Wednesdays 11:00am-11:55am
Saturdays 8:45am-9:30am
Saturdays 9:40am-10:20am
At The YMCA of Bucks County - Doylestown