The other day I started to write down my thoughts. In my head I was having a conversation with you. I was hoping by jotting it down on my laptop it would give me greater insight to where JBird is flying to next.
Even though it's incomplete I want to share it with you.
Dear Friend,
I want to start having more conversations with you.
I miss chatting with clients, students and members at the gym.
You are my peeps now and we are in touch but it's not enough.
What if we could check in with each other every now and then? Hell, what about everyday?
Wouldn't it be FUN to be engaged in conversation with people like ourselves more? Not just peeking into people's lives on social media but actually meeting up at the end of each day, supporting each other when it's crazy and celebrating the good times together!
I'm talking about our real lives. Not the perfectly posed picture posts we see on Facebook or Instagram.
I'm talking about sharing the real everyday you.
The girl who wakes up in the a.m. with no make up on and hair a mess.
The mom who forgot to brush her teeth because you got interrupted in your morning routine.
The sweaty chick getting your workout in.
The lady who smiles at everyone to lift up their day but has a hundred things on your mind.
And even...
The woman who jumps out of bed to do one last things, because a woman's work is never done.
I know what I am suggesting is not the norm in today's day in age but it would be so liberating.
Our little secret girlfriend group.
True girlfriends.
The completely non-judgmental, totally there to lift you up kind of girlfriends!
Real girlfriends, moms, working women, and forever chicks.
I haven't put together all the pieces of the puzzle and normally I would be afraid to put any incomplete thought out there. My perfectionist self feels like I have to give you a polished blog every week about "how to get fit". But I'm letting my hair down and getting real with you.
Yes, this is what I look like in the morning.
My journey in developing JBIrd Fitness has been exhilarating and exhausting. But I know these thoughts, the thoughts above and many others, do not come to me because I am crazy or alone.
Living a happy fitness lifestyle is WAY more than dialing in a workout here & there.
Happy is the key word. Happy is the feeling I want you to feel about yourself when your exercising and when you're not.
Wouldn't it be better to do it together?
I am working hard to figure out the next steps but as I continue working toward making JBird a place where you feel excited, free and happy, I need your help.
I want your insights.
I respect you.
I need a real girlfriend moment right now.
Please let me know what this email stirred up in your mind.
Even if just one word popped into your head, email HERE and let me know.
I will also be posting this on the JBIrd Fitness Blog page HERE. If you are daring to be different and get real with me right now, leave a comment below.
Either way, let's get the conversation going.
With Much Love & Appreciation,
P.S. If you have a friend, sister, mother, aunt, cousin, colleague, etc..that you think should share in our conversation feel free to forward this email or share the blog page on social media.
The more like minded women we can rally up the more FUN this is going to be!