Looking on the bright side.
When I was young, my mom used to call me the world's greatest optimist. I think Nora may have gotten that gene.
I can remember back to a 4th grade field trip, when my music teacher was taking my class to go see the movie “Fantasia”.
When I arrived at school my belly didn't feel so good and moments later I was running into the girl's bathroom to...you know what. So the nurse called my mom and right as we were walking out of the school’s front door to go home, the bus full of all my classmates was pulling away and my friends opened their windows to say good-bye.
I could hear the disappointment in my mom's voice when she said "I'm so sorry honey, that you can’t go on the field trip with all of your friends". And I smiled and replied, "It's ok, I can just watch a better movie at home with you".
My mother would retell that story many times in the years ahead. I think she wanted to remind me that even when things don't work out the way you wanted them to, it's okay. You just need to look at the positive.
This past week I happen to came across an interview "The Secrets of Happiness & Longevity" by Marie Forleo with Dan Buettner.
It made me think of the story above because they stated that 50% of our happiness is genetic and clearly my 9 year old self hit the DNA jackpot on that day. But they also said the other 50% is your choice.
I've instinctually known I have control of my thoughts but when it comes to happiness levels, it's interesting to hear the statistics.
In summertime it's easier to find the happy, so maybe this is a discussion better suited for the craziness of the holiday season or during winter's shorter daylight hours, but since it struck me this past week, I wanted to pass along the info.
You have a choice in your happiness.
Something to think about.
P.S. If you would like to listen to the Marie Forleo interview click HERE . It's 30 minutes in length but chocked full of insights on living a long happy life.
P.P.S. There are also scientific findings positively linking physical activity and happiness, so below you have options to elevate your happiness level all week long.
What's Happening with JBird Fitness:
Featured Workout of The Week
Work It!: Core
Talking about making choices...hone in on your core by making a conscience decision to work the stability and mobility of your center. This workout will strengthen your mid-section but will also stimulate your whole body in just 14 minutes.
Members: click HERE to go directly to the video library.
Non- Members: click HERE & come play with us with a FREE trial.
New Dance Workout Video
Super FUN, peppy song to get your body moving this week.
The Moves:
- Cross Step Back - Chasse (L Arms)
- Double Beat Curtsey - Wide Stance Hip Bumps with Elbow Strikes
- Alternate Jack with Front Kick
- Crescent Kick Alternating with Freestyle
Inspiration: "Jackie Chan" by Tiesto & Dzeko
Try it and email me. Let me know how you liked it janine@jbirdfitness.com
Ballet Barre Burn
The summer is in full swing and strengthening our bodies to enjoy the freedom of the season is our goal. Join us!
Central Bucks Family YMCA
Doylestown, PA