Do you like social media?
When I ask this question, I normally get “I’m on it all day.”, “I can’t live without it.” or the compete other extreme of “Not my thing.", “Nope, I want nothin’ to do with it!”.
And I…I’m a little bit of both.
I find it helpful to stay in touch via Facebook or Instagram with everyone throughout the week, especially with those like yourself who follow JBird. But like most, I get sucked in and can find myself literally losing time. And you & I both know...time is precious.
The other factor is how social media has the power of clouding our thoughts & mind. Muddying it up with ideas or unimportant things which distract us from our personal goals & dreams.
Don’t stop reading this, if you're the person who’s NOT addicted to social media.
Because I've taken on a new strategy to pull me away from distractions & reboot my own goals and I think the 3 steps below can be helpful on any fitness journey, whether you’re just getting back on track or ready for a change.
3 Simple & Effective Step To Get It ALL Done:
Write your goal down with actions to back it up. On a piece of paper write down a headline of the ultimate goal and then a list of 3 actions you can take each week to get you closer to that goal.
Schedule it & set a timer. Build your schedule around your goal and then literally section off micro pockets of time to check off your other priorities.
Be more conscious. On a weekly basis, note where you lost time on things that weren’t important to you and make it a conscious effort to do better the following week.
Easier said than done, right? Especially when social media is sucking up all of your time, kids are calling out your name or your work email inbox is exploding.
I feel you.
But if you begin to use this strategy, you’ll start learning how much time it REALLY takes to get sh*t done and eventually fit everything into your schedule that’s important to you. Helping you to prioritize realistically and...
Making you feel happier inside & out.
With Love,
P.S. The other day I had someone ask me, "Do you really think 15 minutes is enough?", asking me about the workout videos.
My answer: "No, not if you're training for a marathon that's happening next week. But YES, if it's the only amount of time you can give to yourself, while trying to balance out other important things in your life."
"Doing nothing is not going to work. Not for your body and not for your soul."
"15 minutes is a start. Once you get moving, you may find your priorities change or your work/family schedule may ease up, so you can devote more time for yourself".
"Regardless, your body & soul need you to move now. So YES! I'll take 15 minutes. And YES your body will thank you!"
Click on the video, for a teaser of what's to come.
Dates/Times/Location: TBA
Bucks County, PA
Class Schedule: YMCA Doylestown
Monday 9:30am Barre Fusion
10:30am Stretch
Wednesday 11:00am Barre Fusion
Saturday 8:30am Barre Fusion