(video demo below)
Set One: Legs & Balance Work
Prayer Squat w/ Alternating Arm Circle
1st Position Plie Combo
Curtsey with Kick
Do 10-12 reps. of each, remembering to do the curtseys on both sides.
Set Two: Hips, Butt & Abs
Rear Leg Extensions
Forearm Walks
Roll Ups
Do 10-12 reps. of each, starting with Exercise 1, followed by 2. Repeat 1 on the other side and then finish with the Roll-Ups (3) with the variation where you can keep your form clean, continually flow through the transitions & challenges you the most.
Set Three: Core & Upper Body Work
Alternating Body Swivel
Flying Dog Triple Knee Tuck
Forearm Hip Dips
Do 10-12 reps of Exercise 1. 8 total Flying Dog Series; 4 on each side. And finish with 10-12 alternating lead arms, with the option to keep your hips at shoulder height or create a rainbow with your hips peaking upward.
Great 15 minute workout, with the option to repeat 2-3 more rounds for a longer workout.
Always focus on form but most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!
If you have any questions, email me at janine@jbirdfitness.com.