We have been having FUN over here with our "12 Days of JBird Fitness" and even though we are in the last few days, you can continue to play with the ideas & stay on a healthy track until the end of 2020.
I have been sharing on social media, but here is the run down:
Take deep breaths & enjoy being in the moment.
Turn up the heat by moving & shakin' your booty.
Get tipsey & challenge your core with balance challenges.
Fill your belly with healthy choices, so you can fully enjoy the treats.
Keep up your strength, so you can have FUN wrapping & tearing open those gifts.
Break out & DANCE, it'll put a smile on your face for sure!
Grab a partner & stay motivated TOGETHER!
STAY HYDRATED & Drink that water, water & more water.
Take a walk & enjoy the fresh air, even on the coldest of days.
Love your body...roll (rolls, "flaws" & ALL), You're BEAUTIFUL!
You've been working hard, hug someone & show off how strong you've become.
Smile at yourself! Not only are you beauitful, you are a SHINING STAR who makes a positive difference in this world just by being you!
Keep moving & stay connected, my friend.
With ❤️
P.S. if you want to see the videos & workout ideas on Instagram click HERE or on Facebook click HERE