What Type of Movement Speaks The Loudest To YOU?
Last Fall I hosted an Athleta Girls event at the store in North Wales, PA. My mission was to inspire the participants to experience moving in different ways, so they would have the opportunity to tap into THEIR unique body.
I encouraged them to take the time to listen to their body & in the end have a better understand of who they are, what kind of movement speaks to them the most but also have an appreciation for all movement types & respect other girls inner voices as well as their own.
It was AWESOME! And I was lucky enough to have the most AMAZING assistants by my side. My daughters, Sierra (9) & Nora (5).
Sharing with all of you, to help spread the word of…own your body, respect your body & love your body with the “Own Your Power" Workout.
It includes movement inspired by Sports, Pilates, Martial Arts, Dance & Yoga.
Finding your inner voice is beneficial for every soul. So even though the workout originated from a young girls event, the exercises & movement practice is INCREDIBLE intell for everyBODY.
If you don’t have kiddos or they have left the nest...
Give it a go & let me know, “What Type of Movement Speaks The Loudest To YOU?” by replying to this email or emailing me at janine@jbirdfitness.com
Janine 😀