Hi...My name is Janine.

I have ALWAYS taught classes with the most important message being we are ALL equal.

Just because someone next to you may be flying through the air or powering through a workout looking like a champ and you are just starting out, modifying every move & taking more breaks for water, YOU ARE MADE OF THE SAME EXACT AMAZING HUMAN-NESS as everyone else in the room.

It’s why I ❤️ group fitness. We have the opportunity to feed off of each other’s positive energy, which makes us stronger as a community and as an individual, it allows you to see an abundance of possibilities. 

In my classroom & now when I teach virtually, I create the workouts for...


My sole purpose is to help you see the incredible light that shines within you. It’s there at every given moment of the day. But during challenging & uncertain times, you need to have practiced tapping into your inner strength, to not just get the most out of a workout…but to make an unwavering connection to your human-ness.

Movement and connecting your body & mind has the power to create clarity.

It helps weed out the crap. And make you realize the skin you are in is just cells. A layer to keep your vital organs, muscles and inner workings in tact. A vessel to move you around this earth. So your mind can expand, learn and feel every bit of your human-ness.

When you tap into this extraordinary gift, you see no limits. You see no boundaries.

You only see possibilities.

Life no longer becomes black & white.

Even the colors in the rainbow become even more expansive and their visionary gift is way more valuable than the pot of gold you were once told sits at the end of the arc.

The light endlessly glows around you and then…YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO SEE IT, IN ALL BEINGS.

I see YOU.

Not your skin. Not your muscles I ask to engage.

I SEE...


Your energy inspires me. And when you trust in that



Keep Moving. Stay Connected.

P.S. You can read this as simply a fitness instructor’s classroom view, but the truth…this is ME. Me re-introducing myself (in case you missed it the first time we met) I wear my philosophy on my sleeve, not only when I am teaching, I live it everyday in every moment & I speak with great respect to all, from the depth of my heart.

"It's nice to meet you" 😀